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  • Dongguan micron air purification Co., Ltd.
  • Dongguan micron air purification Co., Ltd.
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List:Weimi DynamicCTR:Time:2016-03-07 14:48:23

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1. Air purification: formaldehyde, benzene, ammonia, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides and other harmful human health effects of organic matter play a role in air purification.
2. bactericidal function: Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and other bactericidal effect, while sterilization of bacterial decomposition of dead bodies on the release of harmful compounds.
3. deodorizing: cigarette smell, smelly toilets, garbage odor, animal odor deodorant and other effects.
4. antifouling function: to prevent oil pollution, dust and other produce. To the bathroom mold, rust water, toilet base and yellow rust and painting faces fading and other phenomena equally prevent the effect.


Next:Introduction of activated carbon filter

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  Record: Guangdong ICP No. 14046662-1